
Bebés "suspeitos" de terrorismo!

Leia neste artigo, de Prison Planet, como uma bebé, de Um ano, foi impedida de regressar a casa, de avião, apenas porque o seu nome consta duma lista do governo, entre pessoas que estão impedidas de voar, no âmbito da luta contra o terrorismo.
Aqui fica um excerto do artigo:
"WASHINGTON (AP) - Infants have been stopped from boarding planes at airports throughout the U.S. because their names are the same as or similar to those of possible terrorists on the government's "no-fly list."
It sounds like a joke, but it's not funny to parents who miss flights while scrambling to have babies' passports and other documents faxed.
Ingrid Sanden's 1-year-old daughter was stopped in Phoenix before boarding a flight home to Washington at Thanksgiving.
"I completely understand the war on terrorism, and I completely understand people wanting to be safe when they fly," Sanden said. "But focusing the target a little bit is probably a better use of resources."
E é assim... Estes americanos ainda hão-de conseguir regressar à barbárie, por esta via...